Friday, April 20, 2007

Horizontal Heaven

Shiny clacking limitless
pinballs in horizontal heaven
mirrors spinning Christ dance

God's rollicking flippers
launching prophets
on silent runs
to middle east bazaars

ricochet kisses
ringing bells
numbers in the stars

Shiny clacking limitless
pinballs ringing bells
in horizontal heaven
Christ stands large
blocking the chute to hell

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Immaculate Conception

We each have a womb
male and female
all, a womb
and an egg
or maybe even eggs

from the life
and resurrection
of Christ
flows spirit sperm

truths full of life
yet incomplete

never taking
without consent

and there is a pull
between the egg soul
within us
and the Truth sperm
emanating from the Christ

Today is the day
of immaculate conception
Today is the day
I say yes

Today is the day
of immaculate conception
Today is the day
I say yes

New life
is being birthed
all around

A new day
a new life
rising into Kingdom

Today is the day
of immaculate conception
Today is the day
I say yes

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Reign Fall

I kissed a lot of frogs
chased religion and
danced in fog

In the living stream
upon the rock
I kissed the one
who became a King

Water falls
and Reign Falls
Kingdom falls on me

I am dancing
dancing in the mist
of reign fall

Water falls and Reign Falls
Kingdom falls on me.

Fairytales and Reign falls
as Kingdom grows in me.